Friday, July 29, 2016

Letter of the President



Tin tức về Hội Ngộ SOAR vào cuối tháng 10/ 2016

Qúy Huynh Đệ đã từng phục vụ MACVSOG Vietnam hay NKT (STD) nếu muốn trở thành Hội Viên chính thức của SOA Hoa-Kỳ có thể làm đơn (theo mẫu và sự hướng dẫn dưới đây)   và sau đó hãy gởi về  cho ông  SOA Membership Chairman.

Nhưng để  mau chóng được cứu xét, anh em nên nhờ 1 người hiện nay đang làm Hội Viên SOA làm Sponsor giới thiệu trong đơn trước sau đó hãy gởi đến Mr. Membership Chairman .

* Ngòai tin tức  sinh hoạt của các hội viên mà  đa số là người Mỹ đã từng tham chiến  tại Việt Nam (MACSOG),  thuộc các đơn vị danh tiếng  như Navy  Seals, Delta Force, Green Beret ..v.v.. còn có sự tham dự  đông đảo của anh em Lôi Hổ/ NKT , King Bee 219 v.v..

* Hội SOA mỗi năm tổ chức 1 lần Đại Hội  hay Hội Ngộ  (SOAR = SOA Reunion) vào cuối tháng 10 hàng năm, riêng năm nay 2016  trước ngày SOAR Hội Ngộ  thứ 40 khai mạc, Hội  SOA  sẽ  gởi trước  Package  cho từng Hội Viên SOA để tham dự SOAR thứ 40, với form ghi danh, cho biết gía  thuê khách sạn Orlean  được discount đặc biệt,  chương trình du ngọan hay coi show tại Las vegas do SOA phụ trách, và gói Package này  anh em Hội Viên Mỹ-Việt sẽ nhận đưọc khõang trong tháng 8/2016.

* Đã có  3 anh em NKT được tặng Pin 20 hội viên SOA , đó là anh Khánh Đòan (Cowboy) SOA# 1233 GL, NT Minh Le  SOA# 1346  GL và anh Hùng Anh Nguyễn SOA# 1347 GL,  ngòai ra còn  có thêm  1 người được nhận Pin 25 Hội Viên SOA là  anh Chiêu Lâm SOA # 947 GL.

Hẹn gặp anh em và  gia đình trong các ngày Hội Ngộ SOAR vào cuối tháng 10/ 2016 này.

Thân ái, 

Lâm Ngọc Chiêu
SOA # 947 GL.


Annual dues are due every year on the 1st of January and are late after 31 January.
In order to register for the 2016 reunion, your dues must be current. If you have not yet paid your 2016 dues, submit $35 online or by U.S. First Class mail.

• Online:  The Membership link is on the top right of the SOA webpage.   Click to open and click on the green Dues tab on the right and follow the prompts to pay your dues.  Online is the easiest and most secure way to pay dues.

• By US Mail: Make checks payable to SOA and mail to the SOA Treasurer.
If your dues are more than 12 months in arrears, you will be charged a $25 reinstatement fee plus 2016 late dues of $35 for a total of $60.

Mail to: 

Mr. Brian Vines

2671 Lookout Ln.
Kissimmee, FL 34746-2883

The SOAR pictures

Friday, July 1, 2016

Dedication For CW4 Micheal Novasel

On 29 June at 1000 a bust of CW4 Michael Novosel will be dedicated at Fort Riley, KS. For more information contact George Metz at (412) 269-9266.
At the age of 19, Michael Novosel joined what was then the Army Air Corps. That was just ten months prior to Pearl Harbor, and by 1945, he was a captain flying B-29 Superfortress bombers in the war against Japan. He left the service for a brief time due to reductions in force after the war was over and settled in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, to raise his family.
Novosel joined the U.S. Air Force Reserves and went back on active duty to again serve his country during the Korean War. He left the service again in 1953 and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve in 1955.
In 1963, Novosel was working as a commercial airline pilot when he decided to return to active military duty. By then, he was 41 and the Air Force did not have space for any more officers in the upper ranks. Novosel made the decision to give up his rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force to join the Army and fly helicopters as a chief warrant officer (CW4) with the elite Special Forces Aviation Section. He served his first tour in Vietnam flying medevac helicopters (Dustoff) with the 283rd Medical Detachment. His second tour in Vietnam was with the 82nd Medical Detachment. During that war, Novosel flew 2,543 missions and extracted 5,589 wounded personnel, among them his own son, Michael J. Novosel, Jr. (the following week Michael J. Novosel, Jr. returned the favor by extracting his father after he was shot down).
On the morning of October 2, 1969, he set out to evacuate a group of South Vietnamese soldiers who were surrounded by several thousand North Vietnamese light infantry near the Cambodian border. The South Vietnamese soldiers' radio communication was lost and their ammunition expended. Without air cover or fire support, Novosel flew at low altitude under continuous enemy fire. He skimmed the ground with his helicopter, while his medic and crew chief yanked the wounded men on board. He completed 15 hazardous extractions, was wounded in a barrage of enemy fire and momentarily lost control of his helicopter, but when it was over, he had rescued 29 men, for which he would be awarded the Medal of Honor. Novosel completed his tour in March 1970.
When Novosel retired as the senior warrant officer with the Warrant Officer Candidate Program in 1985, he had been a military aviator for 42 years and was the last World War II military aviator in the U.S. to remain on active flying duty. Novosel accumulated 12,400 military flying hours, including 2,038 in combat.